Encouraging data sharing

The PLoS One  report published September 26, 2014, outlining new data sharing policies, infrastructure and tools indicates that it is good to share.

NIH Prodding Makes Data Sharing More Common, Survey Finds
Report: “Codifying Collegiality: Recent Developments in Data Sharing Policy in the Life Sciences” ByGenevieve Pham-Kanter, Darren E. Zinner, and Eric G. Campbell published in PLoS ONE

To learn more about accessing data in the Social Sciences, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is holding a series of open webinars October 6 -9, 2014:

ICPSR Data Fair 2014: Powering Sustainable Data Access

For many years, ICPSR has hosted several public-access research data archives that are sustained by federal and foundation funding. ICPSR’s 2014 Data Fair will feature webinars about many of these archives and collections, including an introduction to the National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture; the R-DAS collection at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive; two Gates Foundation-funded collections at the Resource Center for Minority Data; an orientation to the National Addiction and HIV Data Archive Program; and a Q & A about the Gates Foundation-funded Measures of Effective Teaching Longitudinal Database. You will find descriptions of these webinars in the Data Fair program. Other offerings will include a presentation about ICPSR’s current efforts to fund and achieve sustainable public-access data sharing models, including its newly launched collection known as openICPSR.

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