As a new year and semester dawns, you may notice a new look for the library’s digital collections. We are pleased to announce that our digital collections have moved to the JSTOR Forum platform: https://www.jstor.org/site/catholic-university/
We recently reached our institutional end of life for the Islandora platform, which has hosted our digital collections for the past decade. In reviewing numerous alternative services, Library staff ultimately settled on JSTOR Forum as the best option for our community of patrons. This platform provides discoverability and preservation of our collections through a reliable and trustworthy, non-profit service. All Special Collections digital materials will remain accessible for free to anyone anywhere through this platform.

Through the Catholic University JSTOR Forum, you may access over 25,000 items (and growing) materials from the American Catholic History Collection, Rare Books, University Archives, the Oliveira Lima Library, the Semitics/ICOR Library, and the library’s general collections. You may see collections organized thematically, whether focused on “Canon Law” or “Labor History” to the “Cardinal Yearbook Collection” and “Museum”.
As of this writing, the migration of digital collections and the cleaning up of the data continues. You may encounter some missing materials or errors in the near future as Library staff continues to update the new platform.

If you have any questions about the digital collections, please contact us: lib-archives@cua.edu
Happy browsing!