The week of April 19 through 25 is National Student Employment Week. The University Libraries is one of the biggest employers of students on campus. Each semester, we hire approximately 130 students (work-study and part-time temporary employees), who work between 6 and 28 hours each per week. That’s over 18,000 hours every semester!
Students work in almost every part of the libraries – in Mullen, the subject libraries across campus, and the University Archives. They help open and close the libraries. You may see them when you check out a book or a laptop. Or you might see them pushing a cartload of books to be reshelved. They also work behind the scenes, doing such things as making sure that new books are ordered and processed, and that new issues of journals are checked in promptly, so they’re available for you as quickly as possible. We literally couldn’t do it without them.
Please join the University Libraries staff in thanking student employees for their hard work.