CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST – Learn about how Kevin Gunn, Coordinator of Religious Studies & Humanities Services, and Sam Russell, Graduate Library Pre-professional, are contributing to a cultural heritage preservation project, Christian Communities of the Middle East, the Fall 2016 edition of CUA Magazine. According to the project website, “The CCME Project seeks to collect digital (oral, photographic, and documentary) histories from the historic church in the Middle East. It will also collaborate between the communities and the Institute of Christian Oriental Research (ICOR) at the Catholic University of America (CUA) and other universities in the USA and abroad. The Project will establish a record of villages, towns, and cities of these communities and record the personal narratives of the men, women, and children once there. An additional focus will be to record hymns, stories, and traditional poetry in the communities’ native neo-Aramaic dialects. In order to preserve the memories of these communities, many of which are not recorded in a permanent form, it is imperative to collect, organize, and preserve their testimonies.”
NAXOS MUSIC LIBRARY – Did you know that CUA has a subscription to the Naxos Music Library? Log in to enjoy over 1.6 million tracks of classical, jazz, and world music. Want to listen on the go? Download the easy-to-use NML mobile app!
POPULAR READING – Want to find some good recreational reading for Thanksgiving? Check out our Popular Reading collection on the north end of the lobby of Mullen Library.
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