Open Access Week is October 22 – 28, 2018. Open Access “is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Open Access ensures that anyone can access and use these results—to turn ideas into industries and breakthroughs into better lives.” (SPARC*). As part of Open Access Week, CUA Libraries is offering a number of initiatives.
What is ORCID? As a faculty member or a graduate student, you should be establishing a scholarly presence and managing your scholarly reputation. Have you ever wondered:
- if you have a common name or publish under various aliases (e.g. John Smith and J. Smith) whether you are getting credit for your research?
- how to save time by integrating your manuscript and grant submission workflows (that is, by not having to enter your same information over and over again)?
- how you can keep track of your scholarly output?
The solution is having a persistent digital identifier such an ORCID ID. Acquiring an ORCID account is necessary for professional advancement. In fact, many journals require that authors have ORCID accounts for manuscript submissions. Watch this video for a quick overview.
What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.
ORCID stands for the Open Researcher and Contributor ID. With an ORCID ID, you can integrate your research over various platforms such as Kudos, Mendeley, Scopus, Web of Science, and Humanities Commons. For example, ScienceOpen uses ORCID ID with “enabling verified users to integrate their published content, build collections, and perform post-publication peer review across publishers and journals for free.”
Furthermore, funding organizations like the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health: SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae are requiring ORCID ID.
Publishers are collecting ORCID IDs during manuscript submission (e.g. Taylor and Francis), scholars are using it in Open Access platforms like PLOS (Public Library of Open Science), and even subscription databases like the Modern Language Association International Bibliography use ORCID IDs to distinguish scholars.
As part of Open Access Week (October 22-28th, 2018), CUA Libraries will have tables set up in various buildings on campus for students and faculty to sign up for an ORCID account.
- MONDAY October 22nd
Pangborn Portico - TUESDAY October 23rd
McMahon Foyer - FRIDAY October 26th
Mullen Library
All times are 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Drop by for 30 seconds and we will sign you up!
Your ORCID ID will belong to you throughout your scholarly career so acquire this unique identifier to showcase your research and ensure proper attribution of your work. If you cannot make the table sessions, follow these instructions in getting started:
1. Claim your free ORCID ID at
2. Import your research outputs and add biographical information using our automated import wizards
3. Use your ORCID when you apply for grants, submit publications, or share your CV. Learn more at
Need help or have questions? Please contact Kevin Gunn, Coordinator of Digital Scholarship (