Uma Parceria Bicentenária/A Bicentennial Partnership

Versão em português [Artigo escrito por Marcos Sorrilha Pinheiro, Professor de História dos Estados Unidos no Departamento de História da Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus de Franca-SP.] No dia 26 de maio de 1824, José Silvestre Rebello se apresentou ao presidente americano James Monroe, para tomar posse do cargo de Chargé d’Affaires do Brasil, um posto Read More

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The Archivist’s Nook: Universitas Monumenta Administratione – Records Management at CatholicU

Proactive management of records is a responsibility shared by every department and unit at Catholic University, if not every entity across the Catholic world.  Can this be true, you ask? Well, see statements of both the Vatican and the American Bishops.  We understand that record keeping can appear to be an intimidating – perhaps even Read More

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The Archivist’s Nook: People’s stories in Parish histories

The desire to form communities and act together is inherent in people. This can encompass various aspects of our lives: work, family, sport, recreation, and, of course, faith and spiritual life, which may be manifested not only through affiliation with a specific church or denomination but also through a local community of people who, sharing Read More

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The Archivist’s Nook: Catholic University’s Own Garden of Knowledge – The Langlois Herbarium

Catholic University in the summer is a veritable garden of verdant lawns, blossoming flowers, and the rustling leaves of the campus’ many trees. Yet CatholicU was once home to hundreds of plants which would normally have no way of surviving the hot, muggy summers that our swampy city lovingly provides for us. No, these plants Read More

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Summer Mullen Library Exhibit – Spotlight on Success: Luminary Alumni

On display in the May Gallery now is our Summer 2024 exhibit, Spotlight on Success: Luminary Alumni. Since its founding in 1887 as a graduate institution, The Catholic University of America has added many new programs and concentrations. Our student body has grown to include more undergraduates and the student body has become much more Read More

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Mullen It Over – Summer Issue

In our summer issue we share some great entertainment options for a break, explain the University’s new Cardinal Printing, share our new exhibits, and remind you that our fantastic librarians are available all summer long to help you with your research needs.

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Accessing Library E-resources Remotely

On June 17, the  University Libraries migrated to OpenAthens in place of EZproxy to manage off campus access to e-resources (e-books, e-journals, databases).  During this switch, on campus users should not notice any differences. Off campus users may encounter a temporary access issue with some of the online resources. For faculty however, if you have Read More

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Bento Teixeira e a Prosopopeia

[Artigo escrito por Eneida Beraldi Ribeiro historiadora e pesquisadora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia] Bento Teixeira (1560-1600), primeiro poeta brasileiro a ter uma obra publicada foi descoberto através das Confissões e Denunciações da Bahia e Pernambuco, publicados por Paulo Prado entre 1925 e 1929.  Por muito tempo acreditou-se na existência de um Bento Teixeira Pinto Read More

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The Archivist’s Nook: Inquisitio – Rare Book Acquisitions, 2023-2024

Special Collections, which includes Rare Books, had a bumper crop this past reporting year of carefully considered rare book acquisitions via purchase, fourteen items from nine both nationally and internationally respected vendors. The latter include new dealer contacts in England, France, Holland, and Italy. Several examples are reviewed in some detail while others due to Read More

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Mullen It Over – May Issue

In this month’s Mullen It Over we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander heritage month, share last minute citation resources to help you finish those papers, remind everyone to check their library accounts before graduation and summer, and highlight our current exhibits. Happy graduation to all our graduating Cardinals!

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