Digital Scholar Bytes: Preserving Identities

Have you ever searched for a Youtube video you saw a few years ago that was no longer there? Or try to open an old photo on your computer only to get an error message? This is a frustrating experience that we all have gone through when looking for older digital materials. Unfortunately, many of Read More

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Popular Reading: I Cheerfully Refuse

I Cheerfully Refuse weaves the tale of a bereaved and pursued musician embarking under sail on a sentient Lake Superior in search of his departed, deeply beloved, bookselling wife. Once you are finished, check out the rest of our Popular Reading collection. Titles range from commentary, fiction, historical fiction, mystery, suspense, non-fiction, current affairs, science, Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: Preservation Week

From April 28 – May 4,  Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures (a division of the American Library Association) is celebrating Preservation Week. Throughout the week, Core will be sponsoring several webinars exploring topics relevant to preservation policies and practices. The purpose of the week is to encourage the preservation of cultural artifacts and to highlight the vital Read More

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Research & Instruction: CINAHL Plus, Top Pick for Nursing Students

CINAHL Plus with Full Text is an outstanding resource for students and faculty in the nursing, allied health, and biomedical engineering professions. This database, covering the dates 1937 to the present, includes full-text articles for more than 300 journals and citations for articles in another 3,000 journals. But that’s not all; It also includes images Read More

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The Archivist’s Nook: Young Catholic Messenger – “Seek, and Ye Shall Find”

Catholic University of America’s Special Collections is home to wide and diverse cultural and historical materials, including devotional museum objects, meeting minutes of the American bishops, correspondence between notables such as George Higgins and Richard Neuhaus, rare renaissance books, and, among all of this, the Young Catholic Messenger, the premier publication, 1885-1970, of Catholic publisher, Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: World Book and Copyright Day

April 23rd is World Book and Copyright Day. Created by the United Nations Educational Scientific, and Cultural Organization or UNESCO, World Book and Copyright Day celebrates the written word, reading, and the publication process. World Book and Copyright Day honors the important role books have played in global history and everyday life. The holiday also Read More

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The Archivist’s Nook: Conservation in Rare Books, Part IV

Over the past year, Special Collections staff has continued addressing conservation challenges that arise within the Catholic University’s Rare Books collection. You may see our past blogs on the topic in “Part I”, “Part II”, and “Part III”. As in years past, we have continued working alongside Quarto Conservation and have another surprising sampling of Read More

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University Libraries Closed This Evening, Thursday, April 4

Due to an active threat in the area, and an abundance of caution, the University Libraries will be closed this evening, April 4, 2024.  In addition,  all classes, evening events, and sport practices on campus are also canceled.  

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Mullen It Over – April Issue

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Duzentos Anos da Primeira Constituição do Brasil

[Artigo escrito por Neuma Brilhante Rodrigues professora doutora de História do Brasil na Universidade de Brasília (UnB).] No dia 25 de março de 1824, foi outorgada a primeira Constituição brasileira. Naquele dia, na Capela Real, no Rio de Janeiro, o Imperador d. Pedro I e a Imperatriz Leopoldina juraram o texto constitucional, acompanhados por membros Read More

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