Category: OLL Blog

Uma Parceria Bicentenária/A Bicentennial Partnership

Versão em português [Artigo escrito por Marcos Sorrilha Pinheiro, Professor de História dos Estados Unidos no Departamento de História da Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus de Franca-SP.] No dia 26 de maio de 1824, José Silvestre Rebello se apresentou ao presidente americano James Monroe, para tomar posse do cargo de Chargé d’Affaires do Brasil, um posto Read More

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Bento Teixeira e a Prosopopeia

[Artigo escrito por Eneida Beraldi Ribeiro historiadora e pesquisadora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia] Bento Teixeira (1560-1600), primeiro poeta brasileiro a ter uma obra publicada foi descoberto através das Confissões e Denunciações da Bahia e Pernambuco, publicados por Paulo Prado entre 1925 e 1929.  Por muito tempo acreditou-se na existência de um Bento Teixeira Pinto Read More

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Duzentos Anos da Primeira Constituição do Brasil

[Artigo escrito por Neuma Brilhante Rodrigues professora doutora de História do Brasil na Universidade de Brasília (UnB).] No dia 25 de março de 1824, foi outorgada a primeira Constituição brasileira. Naquele dia, na Capela Real, no Rio de Janeiro, o Imperador d. Pedro I e a Imperatriz Leopoldina juraram o texto constitucional, acompanhados por membros Read More

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OLL Blog – André Rebouças: A Black Intellectual and Engineer Fighting Against Social Inequality in the 19th Century

[This article was written by Professor Robert Daibert Júnior from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – UFJF).] The rich history archives of the Oliveira Lima Library at the Catholic University of America, in Washington DC, holds a document forgotten by Brazilian History: a 59-page text published in Read More

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Appointment of New Lima Library Director

Provost Aaron Dominguez is pleased to announce that Livia Lopes, JD has been appointed the new Director of the Oliveira Lima Library of The Catholic University of America beginning July 1st, 2022. On August 1st, Livia’s appointment as the Director of the Institute for Latin American and Iberian Studies (ILAIS) also began. She will serve Read More

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OLL Blog – Contribuições da OLL ao Projeto Memória Acadêmica da Faculdade de Direito do Recife: a memória de Manoel de Oliveira Lima em sua terra natal – Equipe do Projeto Memória Acadêmica

Equipe do Projeto Memória Acadêmica da Faculdade de Direito do Recife Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife – Brasil Em 2019, o Projeto Memória Acadêmica da Faculdade de Direito do Recife, atividade extensionista interdisciplinar desenvolvida na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), firmou importante parceria com The Oliveira Lima Library (OLL) da Catholic University of America. A Read More

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OLL Blog – A selection of gems: nineteenth-century Brazilian Literature and Culture materials from the Oliveira Lima Library collection – Giovanna Gobbi Alves Araujo

Giovanna Gobbi Alves Araújo  Doutora em Literatura Brasileira, Universidade de São Paulo (CNPq/Fulbright)  Scholar-in-residence at the Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin Library (BBM-USP)   Manoel de Oliveira Lima’s efforts in curating a personal library throughout the years dedicated to diplomatic service, teaching, and research built a collection of immeasurable value not only for Latin Read More

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OLL Blog – Autonomous Native Peoples in the South American Borderlands – Heather Roller

Heather Roller Associate Professor of History Colgate University   It was the dry season of 1845, and the Guaikurú were on the move again. Some groups rode on horseback across the grasslands, while others navigated in canoes along the Paraguay River or its tributaries. These Native peoples had been visiting Brazilian and Paraguayan forts and Read More

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Latin American Independence: a guide to resources at the Oliveira Lima Library and Catholic University’s Special Collections

In anticipation of the upcoming celebrations of the bicentennial of the independence movements of many Latin American countries, the Oliveira Lima Library has collaborated with Special Collections on a guide to relevant source material.    While the materials presented focus on Mexico, Brazil and Venezuela, we cannot overstate just how much impact these independence movements Read More

Posted in: OLL Blog Research & Instruction The Archivist's Nook | Tags: , , , , | Comment

OLL Blog – Engraved Illustrations of Jesuit Martyrdoms During the Persecution of Christianity in Early Modern Japan – Jan Levin Propach

Dr. Jan Levin Propach Postdoctoral Researcher at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich – Department of Catholic Theology   The Oliveira Lima Library contains a collection of engraved illustrations showing Jesuit martyrdoms during the persecution of Christianity in 17th century Japan. Even though these illustrations were made in Europe in a propagandistic manner, they tell Read More

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