Category: Digital Scholar Bytes

Digital Scholar Bytes: Preserving Identities

Have you ever searched for a Youtube video you saw a few years ago that was no longer there? Or try to open an old photo on your computer only to get an error message? This is a frustrating experience that we all have gone through when looking for older digital materials. Unfortunately, many of Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: Preservation Week

From April 28 – May 4,  Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures (a division of the American Library Association) is celebrating Preservation Week. Throughout the week, Core will be sponsoring several webinars exploring topics relevant to preservation policies and practices. The purpose of the week is to encourage the preservation of cultural artifacts and to highlight the vital Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: World Book and Copyright Day

April 23rd is World Book and Copyright Day. Created by the United Nations Educational Scientific, and Cultural Organization or UNESCO, World Book and Copyright Day celebrates the written word, reading, and the publication process. World Book and Copyright Day honors the important role books have played in global history and everyday life. The holiday also Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: Open Education Week

Open Education Week (March 4-8) is “an annual celebration and opportunity for those working in Open Education to actively share their achievements and learn about what others are achieving worldwide.” Open Education is a part of the larger open access or open source movement whose goal is to create more access to and collaboration with Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: Celebrate Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week!

This week is Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week! Fair use is the legal concept that allows the use of copyrighted materials without permission from the copyright holder under certain circumstances. From a student using a quotation from a book in their essay to a playwright parodying pop culture, we encounter fair use every day.  The Association Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: Evaluating Generative AI Research Platforms

The emergence of ChatGPT and other AI technologies has significantly transformed the landscape of library research, introducing complexities alongside innovative solutions. In our February 9th workshop, A Review of Generative AI Tools for Research, we explored the following platforms that can enhance your research mastery: Perplexity, Elicit, Consensus, Lateral, ScholarAI, Keenious, OpenAlex, Semantic Scholar, Research Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: My Kind of Data!

Love Data Week 2024, scheduled for February 12-16, presents a unique opportunity for scholars, students, librarians, and data enthusiasts to delve into the multifaceted world of data. This year’s theme, “My Kind of Data,” underscores the personal connection we all have with data and its diverse applications. Understanding and managing data becomes not just useful Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: Data Privacy Week

Data privacy is the safeguarding of individuals’ personal information and the preservation of their right to control the collection, processing, storage, and sharing of their data. Numerous challenges surround this crucial concept: data breaches, identity theft, lack of consent, data profiling, inadequate security measures (e.g. weak encryption), misuse of collected data, insufficient regulatory frameworks and Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: Celebrating World GIS Day: Unveiling the Power of Spatial Intelligence

In the realm of modern technology, where data is the new currency, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) stand as the unsung heroes orchestrating a symphony of spatial intelligence. November 15 marks World GIS Day, a celebration that shines a spotlight on the transformative impact of GIS in our interconnected world. Originally conceived by Jack Dangermond, the Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: World Digital Preservation Day: Safeguarding Our Digital Heritage

On November 2nd every year, the global digital preservation community comes together to celebrate World Digital Preservation Day. This annual event serves as a reminder of the critical importance of preserving our digital heritage and the challenges that come with it. This year’s theme: “Digital Preservation: A Concerted Effort.” The History of World Digital Preservation Read More

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