Posts with the tag: digital preservation

Digital Scholar Bytes: Preserving Identities

Have you ever searched for a Youtube video you saw a few years ago that was no longer there? Or try to open an old photo on your computer only to get an error message? This is a frustrating experience that we all have gone through when looking for older digital materials. Unfortunately, many of Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: World Book and Copyright Day

April 23rd is World Book and Copyright Day. Created by the United Nations Educational Scientific, and Cultural Organization or UNESCO, World Book and Copyright Day celebrates the written word, reading, and the publication process. World Book and Copyright Day honors the important role books have played in global history and everyday life. The holiday also Read More

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Digital Scholar Bytes: World Digital Preservation Day: Safeguarding Our Digital Heritage

On November 2nd every year, the global digital preservation community comes together to celebrate World Digital Preservation Day. This annual event serves as a reminder of the critical importance of preserving our digital heritage and the challenges that come with it. This year’s theme: “Digital Preservation: A Concerted Effort.” The History of World Digital Preservation Read More

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