Web of Science, a rich electronic resource, is available through Catholic University of America Libraries.
Web of Science includes Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. It provides “Cited Reference Search” and subject searching through both “quick” and “advanced” searches. Our Web of Science subscription includes citations and references for articles in almost 9000 high quality, peer-reviewed journals published from 2002 to the present. Web of Science provides complete bibliographic data, searchable author abstracts, and cited references. Coverage is in the sciences (more than 6000 journals), followed by social sciences (approximately 1800 journals), and arts and humanities (approximately 1100 journals). For impact factor information about specific journals, users are directed to the index “Journal Citation Reports.”
Please find Web of Science from the CUA University Libraries page:
Go to: Article Databases & More
Go to: Databases by Name and type in Web of Science
Fact sheet for Web of Science
Short tutorials for searching Web of Science