The Catholic University of America, as a campus community is engaged in the work of scholarly communication – the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use. In April, CUA will be celebrating scholarly communications and research by sponsoring its’ first campus wide Research Day! Be there!
The Scholarly Kitchen is a blog sponsored by the Society of Scholarly Publishing (SSP.) In January 2016, the blog highlighted scholarly communications trends. What Do You See On The Horizon For Scholarly Publishing In 2016?
Some of the trends to pay attention to:
- Impact metrics
- Author’s Rights – what does that CC BY really mean? New authoring innovations from publishers.
- Rise of Gold OA, and not enough information about Green OA
- Innovative growth due to technology – Open Library of the Humanities
- ORCID at tipping point – SHARE and CHORUS growth
Judy Luther introduces new tools to check out.
“Up till now Google Scholar has been the primary discovery tool for OA and paid scholarly content. This may change with the launch of two new services: ACI, which indexes and hosts 10,000 curated scholarly blogs and 1Science , which indexes all OA peer reviewed articles wherever they are found. “
Alice Meadows discusses one of the more succinct wishes for scholarly communications may be that it is acknowledged as essential.
“Last but not least I hope this will be the year when we start to collectively acknowledge the importance of sustainability in scholarly communications and begin building some consensus around what that means — both for commercial and nonprofit organizations.”
The CUA Librarians offer a scholarly communications module for instruction which includes discussion of open access and tools every scholar should be using. Please contact Kim Hoffman for more information.
— Kimberly Hoffman