Our autumn collection of popular books has arrived! You can find them on the first floor of Mullen Library in the Reference Reading Room.
Sponge Bob working (via Giphy)
Hold your cursor over the Title to see a short description of the book, or click to view the catalog record. The status of the book is shown beside the call number.
Title | Author | Status |
The Lying Game | Ruth Ware | |
Hunger: a Memoir of (my) Body | Roxanne Gay | |
Jane Austen at Home: A Biography | Lucy Worsley | |
Scalia Speaks: Reflections on Law, Faith, and Life Well Lived | Scalia, Antonin. Foreword by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ed by Christopher J. Scalia & Edward Whelan | |
Guts: The Anatomy of The Walking Dead | Paul Vigna | |
Stephen Colbert’s Midnight Confessions | Stephen Colbert | |
The Great Shift: Encountering God in Biblical Times | Kugel, James L. & Geiger, Ellen | |
Sleeping Beauties | King, Stephen & King, Owen | |
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence | Max Tegmark | |
The Asshole Survival Guide: How to Deal With People Who Treat You Like Dirt | Robert Sutton | |
Modern Ethics in 77 Arguments: A Stone Reader |
Catapano, Peter & Critchley, Simon; eds | |
The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love, Spies, and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America’s Enemies | Jason Fagone | |
Why Buddhism Is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment | Robert Wright |
Looking for more options? You can always see a full list of our Popular Reading books in the catalog, by searching under keyword, “CUA Popular Reading.”
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