As part of our ongoing efforts to mark the centenary of the First World War a previous blog post explored the 1917 experiences of Connecticut Catholic Robert Lincoln O’Connell training as a combat engineer in Washington, D.C. This is documented by the collection of digitized letters to his mother and sisters housed in the Archives Read More
Posts with the tag: American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)
The Archivist’s Nook: Catholic Yank on the Western Front, 1918
Posted in: The Archivist's Nook | Tags: American Catholic History, American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), Combat Engineer, Connecticut Catholic, Doughboy, First Infantry Division, Robert Lincoln O'Connell, Sapper, university archives, World War I, WWI | Comment
The Archivist’s Nook: “Mother” Millar’s Mission – Catholic Women’s Service in WWI
Imagine you purchased a box of used books and found buried within a tattered satchel dating from the First World War. What would you do with it? This scenario played in the summer of 2016, when a thrift store benefiting an Alabama-based women’s shelter contacted the CUA Archives. Hidden within a box of cookbooks – Read More
Posted in: The Archivist's Nook | Tags: American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), Fr. John Burke, Margaret Richards Millar, National Catholic War Council, NCWC, University Archives, USCCB, Women Workers, World War I | Comment
The Archivist’s Nook: Connecticut Catholic in Washington, 1917
One hundred years ago, American entry into the First World War transformed the nation’s capital from a sleepy Southern crossroads into a modern hub of administration commensurate to an emerging first class world power. It was here a young Catholic soldier wrote his family, primarily his mother and sisters, back in their hometown of Southington, Read More
Posted in: The Archivist's Nook | Tags: American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), Combat Engineer, First World War, Fort Belvoir, Fort McNair, Robert Lincoln O'Connell, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, university archives, Washington D.C., World War I | Comment
The Archivist’s Nook: Putting Their Money Where Their Hearts Were
Among the archival collections housed at The Catholic University of America (CUA) are the papers of Bruce Monroe Mohler (1881-1967) and Dorothy Abts Mohler (1908-2000), two of the most remarkable people ever produced by the American Catholic Church. Both epitomized the active participation of the laity as each contributed a lifetime of humanitarian service in Read More
Posted in: The Archivist's Nook | Tags: American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), Bruce Monroe Mohler, Catholic Charities, Catholic History, Dorothy Abts Mohler, immigration, National Catholic School of Social Service, National Catholic Welfare Conference, social justice, social welfare, University Archives | Comment