The presence of millions of Catholic immigrants in the United States from the late 19th to the early 20thcentury led to the phenomenal growth of Catholic schools. Hostility toward Catholicism in the public schools and a sturdy parish infrastructure created the groundwork for such schools to flourish. In the meantime, a network of Catholic colleges Read More
Posts with the tag: Catholicism
The Archivist’s Nook: A Century of Educating Educators at CatholicU
Posted in: The Archivist's Nook | Tags: Blogs, Catholic History, Catholic schools, Catholicism, education, The Catholic University of America, University Archives | Comment
The Archivist’s Nook: Trashing the Trailers – A Short Genealogy of a Space
University archivists save university stuff. Our mission entails preserving university-related historical materials that enable us to make observations about our school across time. This includes the physical space of CUA. The Archives holds files and blueprints detailing the history of most every building of the University, and even some that no longer exist. Which brings Read More
Posted in: The Archivist's Nook | Tags: athletics, Catholic, Catholic University, Catholicism, cua campus, University Archives, Washington D.C. | Comment