The Catholic University of America (CUA) coin collection, part of the museum administered by the American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives, contains nearly seventeen hundred numismatic pieces, primarily from ancient Greece, the Roman republic and empire, and Byzantium, as well as medieval and modern specimens, including coins from Western Europe, Persia, and China. Read More
Posts with the tag: Rome
The Archivist’s Nook: Numismatic Teaching Tool – Catholic University’s Coin Collection
Posted in: The Archivist's Nook | Tags: Byzantium, Claudio Jannet, Egypt, Greece, Henri Hyvernat, Horace, Julius Caesar, Louis the Pius, Museum, Nablus Collection, numismatic coins, Ptolemy I, Rome, University Archives, university museum | Comment
The Archivist’s Nook: Teacher, Rector, Soldier, Spy – A Photographic Tour of O’Connor’s Rome
“I am sorry that you did not travel from the College to the Ciampino airfield with the President in the helicopter; however, I have found, as I am sure you have, that riding in a helicopter is a questionable undertaking under any circumstances irrespective of who you are with,” wrote John McCone, future CIA Director, Read More
Posted in: The Archivist's Nook | Tags: catholic history, Cold War, Dwight Eisenhower, John McCone, Martin J. O'Connor, North American College, photographs, Pontifical Commission for Social Communications, Pope Pius XII, Richard Nixon, Rome, Scranton, Seminary, university archives, vatican, Vatican II | Comment