Have you been keeping up with Open Access?
Start with Barbara Fister’s August article The Acceleration of Open Access. She points to the new preprint servers making open access available, including SocArXiv, MLA Commons and the new (coming soon!) Humanities Commons.
See what’s the buzz about Sci Hub in this article, The Current System of Knowledge Dissemination isn’t Working and Sci-Hub is Merely a Symptom of the Problem.
Closely watch the publishing industry by reading Elsevier’s New Patent for Online Peer Review Throws a Scare Into Open-Source Advocates.
See what universities are doing. The Journal Flipping Project from Harvard is a 2015-2016 project to gather options and best practices on converting subscription-based scholarly journals to open access. Iowa State University Libraries published a new guide Understanding Predatory Publishers.
Now that you are up on all the news, stay tuned for Open Access Week October 24-30, 2016!
— Kimberly Hoffman